Saturday, November 18, 2017

You're embarrassed to be a Sooner? You're not a real Sooner then.

I can’t believe I’m seeing some people post that they are embarrassed to be a Sooner because of Baker Mayfield’s actions. We pack stadiums to watch 20 something-year-old kids throw themselves into each other as if they are gladiators in the Colosseum. It’s a macho sport with macho emotions. When a team starts out the contest with poor sportsmanship such as the Jayhawks showed at the coin toss prior to kick off today, the other team’s emotions are eventually going to show up. Snap after snap, and down after down, Kansas taunted, shoved and made the late hits. At some point, a human being reaches a breaking point and  emotions overflow. If you want to be outraged at something, be outraged that ESPN showed it over and over and making it the entire commentary of the contest between two football teams. 
Baker has apologized, and he will probably be punished with some form of suspension that will result in him not starting his final appearance at Owen field. But if you think there’s anything else that should be done about the situation you’re being blinded by your lack of understanding of commitment, and dedication to their teammates, their craft, and their performances. Those kids lay it all on the line for our pleasure and enjoyment. I am the perfect example of an over emotionally invested fan that takes great pride in success of my alma mater. But I’m not about to say I’m embarrassed because one of the kids that lays it on the line every snap, made a gesture in a moment of poor judgement, that was unsportsmanlike. 
“Don’t do it again Baker,” is all that you should be posting or saying. 

If you’re still embarrassed after reading this, I doubt you’re really sooner at all. Get off the bandwagon; the ponies can’t handle your dead weight. Go be a fan of another team and stop posing as a die hard Sooner. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. HECK YEA BOZ YOU SAID IT RIGHT!! I'M AS DIE HARD SOONER FAN AS THEY COME AND I'D NEVER BE EMBARRASSED TO SAY SO!! LIKE YOU SAID WE ALL JUST NEED TO BE SAYING "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN BAKER!!" (or I'll have to spank you lol) But yea seriously no matter where we go SOONERS will never get a fair shake. But you know what I do believe that is what keeps the SOONERS going strong every year, HATERS GONNA HATE BUT IT'S COOL CAUSE WE LOVE IT... IT'S OUR FUEL AND DANG GET OVER IT ALREADY, EVERYONE IS ACTING LIKE WHAT HE DID WAS THE WORSE THING EVER SHOWN ON TELEVISION...SMH. Grow up people believe it or not there are worse things going on in the world right now!! BOOMER SOONER...

    1. NCAA= National Communists Against Athletes.....still true Boz!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. Loser. The only thing osu football rocks, is.............well nothing. Just got your butts handed to you by the mildcats.

    2. Yes, I’m sure you think all the gooner victories are a huge personal accomplishment. I guess some losers have to get their self fulfillment wherever they can.

    3. Lol!! OSU is just happy to have a coach that can only get them 8 or 9 wins a season and has never gotten them to the national title game,so yeah y'all suck! Lol

    4. Dear osu sucks.....err rocks. I didn't play football for OU, unfortunately. But, I don't consider it a personal accomplishment for myself, just for my team. By the way, I love it when aggies call Sooner fans gooners, it just shows what weak little imaginations you girls have.

    5. To add to this: What's the difference between OU & OSU? 7 National Championships! BOOMER SOONER

    6. And what do you losers have to do with that......nothing!

    7. Can someone remind us of the record between OU and OSU please?

    8. Hey pea brain, your answer sits right on top of your question.

    9. I am a fan of neither team. KU or OU. My thoughts on the actions of Mayfield are he is trying to make a move to the NFL and a couple of spots in being picked makes a lot of difference in the money offered. The quarterback is the one most written about in a NFL team. How much do you think those guys getting ready to offer him hundreds of thousands of dollars loved his actions? All you have to do is look at Kapernick and see what they think about a lighting rod quarterback.

  5. Yes, because nothing is too crass to make a true sooner embarrassed.

    1. LOL Then why read the blog at all? Thanks for the traffic aggie. Now make your orange useful and go stand like a road cone in the construction zone of I-35

    2. Of course you’re taking up for the showboating douche; kindred spirits. When you’re down to half a head of hair, isn’t it time for a big boy name ‘Boz’ lol - we’re not laughing with you.

    3. Oh I love it when we make them stoolwater cowgirl so mad they start calling names and putting down Our SOONERS past and present. Yea you'll probably come back with how we always start talking about THE 7 NATIONAL CBHAMPIONSHIPS we have as well as all of Our other accomplishments SOONER FOOTBALL has racked up. But you know what at least we have the right to brag on Our SOONERS as we do,I mean it's not like we are lying about any of it, right? Now just mosey on yOUr way and get them pistols ready to fire next year, heck y all could fire them off for New Years just to get some use out of them. #BOOMERSOONER #THERESONLYONEOKLAHOMA

    4. Martha, please smile so we can see your five pretty teeth.

    5. Lolol...just like a cowpoker...Sorry dude I got all my teeth. And I don't take requests from pokers silly little man. Have a great day and remember as you are reading this you will be saying BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER...4 times and it'll be stuck in your head for a while. Good day!!

    6. When OSU stooped so low as to claim 1 National Championship, awarded 70 years after the 1945 season by AFCA, and plaster it on their stadium I became fully aware of how desperate they really are. You're nothing but pretenders and OU will always be your daddy.

  6. EXACTLY!!!! I'm so embarrassed I bought me a new OU shirt today. Love ya Box, BOOMER SOONER!

  7. Poor sportsmanship of course. Classless. Pretty much. A 20+ year old doing something dumb in heated emotion. Yes. Those guys are risking their health for our pleasure and the hope of a career that can make them wealthy and shorten their lives. We are shocked when they don’t act like perfect gentleman our nations leaders? Wait. 99% exceed the later standard

  8. Baker baker the touchdown maker. I would have been pissed too. We all make poor decisions at times when emotions are high. Get over it or watch golf. #BOOMER4LIFE

  9. Baker baker the touchdown maker. I would have been pissed too. We all make poor decisions at times when emotions are high. Get over it or watch golf. #BOOMER4LIFE

  10. I just love these people that have NEVER BEEN in an intense, competitive,hostile, situation, and want us to believe that THEY KNOW how they would have reacted in the situation!!! Simply makes me laugh at THEM!!

    1. Will you throw the football over the mountain for us Jerry?

    2. Right On! They taunted him from the beginning and gave him a hard hit and expected him to not say anything

    3. Jealous much Osu rocks? It’s showing!!!lol

    4. What the hell does osu rock? There fans to sleep of course , cry babies , sooners rock the house at home and away

    5. So becausw the CowSally's page has nothing going on you have to come here to get your rocks off? The Sally's are so bad they need their coach to help them receive national attention by wearing some worn out hair style from 30 years ago. You losers are so pathetic you even printed up t-shirts with his likeness on them. For all of this marketing for a couple months of meaningless fame you still suck. Maybe any woman coach will wear a thong to help her team get on the map. Never mind, coming from cow OSU that will burn out eyes.

  11. Embarassed by Baker Mayfield's behavior? Nope, not now, not ever. Kansas players even admitted they refused to shake his hand at the coin toss just to make him mad and throw him off his game. Ha. All they did was to fire him up even more than usual. Silly Kansas.

  12. Great article Boz well stated I would have been heated too after Kansas coaching staff didn't handle the Jayhawks after the coin toss as well as some of their coaches for their rude jesters

  13. Sunday morning reflection:
    Having now watched ESPN’s College review shows, I am even more dismayed. With the necessary time restrictions to discuss the games, “the gesture” got more air time than the entire lineup of Big Xii games. So, this aberration is more important to the sports media than football games? Sad.

    1. If you didn’t have a culture of corruption and poor sportsmanship, you wouldn’t be generating so many scumbags. This goes back much further than the author of this article, but he’s a prime example of the boorish behavior celebrated by a sad group of true losers.

    2. You mean LOSER like your Pokies were on Saturday or LOSER like OSWho’s record against the only ☝ OU?

    3. osu sucks: Uh I think your school has a little history of their own, illerates, pregnant women beaters, druggies. If that doesn't help I can nae names, Richard Dumas, Tyreek Hill, Dexter Manley, there are others. if you would like me to name more. Pot calling kettle black.

    4. K. Adams, did you really just say ‘illerates?’ Lol, you are exhibit A for the typical goon fan. That GED isn’t quite cutting it.

    5. Umm. typing without my glasses, so I probably had more than 1 typo. Nice attempt at deflection on your part though. You finger point and then ignore my response about the sad level of humanity that passes through the hallowed halls of cowgirl u. A student that couldn't read on a 3rd grade level. A domestic abuser of pregnant females. A "star" player that had so many run ins with the law he will never play football again, do I need to go on. I realize it must be disheartening for poor aggies year after year when your little hopes are dashed on the rocks when you think "there a new sheriff in town", god, I'm sick of hearing that phrase. Remember this stat 87 18-7. That will demonstrate the aggie position in the college football world. 87-18-7, isn't that pathetic. Not much of a rivalry is it? I realize poor aggies feel the need to pounce on any opportunity to bad mouth the Sooners. After all when it comes to football discussions you have such limitations in discussing your own team. Maybe you better stick to golf or tiddly winks or whatever you claim for your nat'l championship cabinet. I am glad you guessed my little secret(the ged), I've been hiding that for so many decades. It feels good to get it out in the open. Well, enjoy your trip to Houston for the texas bowl. hahaha. Just another in the long line of mediocre football seasons. Poor poor aggies.

    6. K Adams, I’ve got news for you partner; you think you’ve been hiding your GED secret for decades but it’s obvious to all. Explains all the snickering behind your back. You should be a fan of your real alma mater, the GED Crotch Scratchers.

    7. Martha, last time I saw a smile like that, it had a hook in it.

    8. Dear osu sucks: still waiting for a response. What about the culture that has been stewing for decades at your little institution of mediocre learning? Your ignorant comment about my lack of education reflects on just what a mental quadriplegic you are. Amazing how you have such tunnel vision. What's really sad, OU may have had some problems with out of control student athletes, but osu has had the same problem, and they remain a joke in regard to their elite history. Buying a nat'l championship 6 decades after the fact. Ho-hum, I've wasted enough time on you and your pathetic legacy of losing in football. Feel free to respond, I just won't reciprocate.

    9. You’ve listed the answer in your reply. Your pathetic life is all wrapped up in someone else’s achievement. The only reason I care at all about ou’s football outcome, is hoping a loss will shut up all the obnoxious, booger eating, a holes that inhabit this state.

    10. aggie troll visits a thread of another program hoping that program might lose and possibly ease some of the pain he and his fellow aggie losers suffer from every year. aggie troll refuses to talk about the culture of druggies, girlfriend beaters,and scumbags in general his school vomits into society. aggie troll hopes by ridiculing others his pathetic little life might have a glimmer of hope to cling to. That about sums it up aggie loser. So sorry you have had to suffer through generation after generation of sorry football teams. No, I guess I'm not sorry. It's really kinda funny. I'll be smilin'every time you and your aggie nation suffers another humiliation, especially at the hands of OU. Oh yeah, I'm the one wrapped up in the accomplishments of others. hahahaha!

    11. And now a proven liar, as you stated you’d no longer reply. Your character is perfect for the corrupt program you’ve tied your entire identity to.

    12. You appear upset; meth supply running low?

    13. Oh, and yes you are a proven liar. Your inability to acknowledge that is probably the same reason you don’t recognize the athletic program you worship has been corrupt since the mid 40’s.

    14. Oh, and yes you are a proven asshole. You stupid piece of shit. You go on an opposing teams site and start running your ignorant mouth. You haven't addressed 1 single fact that I have thrown out about your loser program. That's the only way you can continue to spout your crap. Because your team is not only mediocre, they have just as many bad marks on their record as OU, and yet they still suck. 87-18-7 87-18-7 87-18-7 87--18-7. Learn it remember it embrace it. It's your history it's your legacy it's your life. You could win every game until 2075 and you would still be behind 1 game. So get on here and crow all you want you little cellar dwelling loser. You will never know anything any different other than your team sucks and they recruit thugs and morons.....later hillbilly.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. You mad bro?

      Delirious tool (aka K Adams) thinks he’s part of the team. LOLOLOLOLOL

    17. hillbily aggie loser thinks his opinion matters. How much rent do you save living in mamas basement? I will give you credit. You are the biggest troll I've ever seen on the net.

  14. That is a very true statement. I do not think he should be punished at all. A lot of disrespect and cheap shots coming from Kansas. And I agree with you on ESPN not having to keep showing it. I honestly think they did that so OU would suspend him to give OU a better chance to get beat in the Big 12 title game. My opinion of course.

  15. All OU fans are ignorant and uneducated, uncouth and ugly, they drive jacked up trucks in metro areas, teach their kids bad sportsmanship, they dress badly and are ill read. They have limited vocabularies and teeth. They date cousins, marry second cousins and put their mothers in nursing homes while drinking away their money. Was pleasantly surprised de didn't actually show his ass and moon them, he must be from out of town.

    1. Lisa Lisa Lisa. You just posted my definition for osu fans word for word. Know why osu students go there, they don't have to go far for dates. Veterinary school on campus.

    2. Are you for real? I can't believe you would take the time to post such an ignorant statement. Go find yourself a safe space, stick your thumb back in your mouth and take a nap. You're cranky.

    3. Preach it Lisa. You are a wise, perceptive woman.

    4. It's TRUE! Hillary Clinton is a CowVagina fan. Didn't that crazy lying bi#%h put everyone into "one basket" and call them despicable? Not meaning to get political but what Lis-ary did was the exact same thing. What are you doing in this blog Lis-ary? Are the flying monkeys boring you tonight?

    5. Everyone look at little Stevie, he thinks he’s clever. You’re about as funny as a vaginal wart and half intelligent as one.

  16. Lisa Lane, you might want to "spell check" your response before hitting the publish button. Just sayin...

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  18. Amazing the moronic comments spewed from a Sooner hater, especially considering the contents of her message, and her inability to craft a message that is even remotely close to the English language, is a dead giveaway for OSU. But then again, an OSU cowboy and intelligence mentioned within the same sentence is an oxymoron in the first place...

  19. If you're going to act like babies and not shake hands at the start of the game you deserve what he did. You don't like it then beat him. BOOMER

    1. Why give the Sooners more of a reason to want to kick your a##? OSU even as stupid as they are might have a water boy on the sidelines that would tell them not to piss the Sooners off.

  20. K.U. started it who's going to make them apologize! Baker shouldn't even have to apologize to them and as for me .I'm on Bakers side crybabies need to go home and forget about it. Boomer Sooner. Leave us SOONERS alone !

    1. I partially agree. An apology was necessary for one reason. There are young kids that look up to him as a role model and for that reason I believe his apology was necessary.

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  22. Well said, Boz! We often forget these are kids playing a dangerous game for our amusement. Kansas players were intentionally goading and trying to hurt Mayfield the entire game. He got caught up in the heat of the moment. He apologized. ESPN was wromg start to finish. I still fully support and respect Baker and the rest of the Sooners.

  23. Hey dipshit. I would suggest you take this blog down. You are not the Boz and you have a short period pf time before you get sent a nice little letter.

    1. The Boz is a dog. Great detective work. And I don’t expect any letter. I have had a blog on other sites for years with the same name. Thanks for your concern.
      Bu bye now.

  24. Brian does NOT blog and would never hide under something shady.

  25. Just to be clear.. This is not “Official” from Brian “the Boz” Bosworth. Brian has nothing to do with this Blog and was just made aware of it today. Take it for what it is. “Humor”


    1. I've commented to a couple of people running smack from OSU. Should I take my comments down as well?

    2. Yes, you’re an embarrassment to the ou fans with fully functioning brains, though I doubt you’ll find any on the Boz’s site. LOL

      But congrats on laying down the law, you simpleton.

  26. If Baker has to kiss everyone's ass just to.get the Heisman despite his outstanding numbers of his collegiate career then they can keep it. Baker is a better player when his emoyions are high and we live and need him for that. I want to remember his time here at OU as that never say die beast of a player. Don't apologize Baker! The world has been against Oklahoma in the sports world even with all of our Championships. So play your game. Play like The Box did, all heart! ��

    1. Emotions
      The Box
      Sorry, typos

    2. The Boz!!!
      I don't know why it keeps changing.his name.
      Sorry Boz!!!

    3. The Boz!!!
      I don't know why it keeps changing.his name.
      Sorry Boz!!!

    4. Everyone’s against ou because of all the asshats like Baker that you produce. Also doesn’t help to have a fan base of deplorables that slobber all over the 20 year old misfits. It’s kinda funny but in a dry heave sort of way.

  27. @OSU ROCKS, you're right up there with the KU asshats lol grow up little cowgirl because we've already stomped your pistols all the way up your ass and we'll do it again and again for the next 100 years! Baker Mayfield is amazing! #BOOMERSOONER #MAYFIELDFORTHEHEISMAN

    1. “Grow up little cowgirl?”
      Do you realize how asinine that statement makes you look. I’m sure the irony is lost on another gooner Mensa member.

    2. osuphewsocks do you realize how asinine it looks that you are still commenting on this blog? BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER

    3. I thought I pulled the hook and threw you back.

  28. Everyone makes mistakes.In the heat of the moment,Baker lost his temper with a disrespectful team.Get over it.

  29. I would agree with you had this been his first mistake but it is not and he can't keep saying I'm sorry and get away with. If he wants these accolades and to be the heisman trophy winner and be a role model then he needs straighten his act up. He continues to show he can't do that. In my opinion he doesn't deserve the heisman.

  30. What really amazes me is that this blog post was about Baker's actions caught on the sideline. It had nothing to do with OSU, or the hatred between OSU and OU fans! I was born in Stillwater, my brother attended OU with the real Boz(I actually loved the way he played and his bravado). I started at OSU and then transferred and graduated from Arizona State. My daughter is a senior at OSU. Bedlam is my favorite time of the year and I can remember as a kid getting throttled by OU 66-3 several times. I have lifelong friends that went to OU. When OU is not playing OSU I cheer for them to win. It's unfortunate that Baker's reaction was caught live up close and personal, he will accept the consequences of his actions and 5 years from now nobody will care. I for one just think it's comical that the comments had more to do with OU-OSU rivalry than the actual subject of the blog.

    1. See what happens when an OSU fan gets a SOONER fan riled up? Lol

    2. I don’t see. Please explain.

  31. I am proud to be a Sooner Fan! Not condoning behaviors, but Baker is human. I am more disappointed in the media for continuing to focus on the negative behavior. I watched an NFL game just last night where negative behaviors began and the cameras immediately went to something else. It's all in the perspective. Play Ball!! Keep God First!!

  32. As a die hard Sooner fan all my life!! I’ve said over and over exactly like you!! They are kids on a field that play the sport that they love!! I’m not their parent nor their coach!! I’m a Sooner Fan!! They play with passion which we cheer, then they make a mistake as we all do as college kids, we just don’t have millions of people judging ours!! He made a mistake, he apologized!! But KU needs to be held accountable for their contribution too!! They started the battle Baker ended it!! I’ve never been ashamed of being a Sooner!! I’ve sat in the same spot since I was 4 years old!! 44 years I’ve been there and Lord willing I’ll be there 44 more!! Preach Boz!

  33. How many national championships has u of o won? How many has OSU won. Case closed. Not just football...

  34. Boomer sooner! Oklahoman thru n thru! Live it,love it.

  35. I'm not embarrassed to be a Sooner fan. Kids are not adults. Pet scan technology has proven that the brain is not grown up until late 20s. Just gotta spank em when they are bad and they grow from it.

  36. Please read the name listed above your comment. Lord it’s fun visiting this sewer (excuse me, I mean sewner) and sparring with half-wits.

  37. I was raised a sooner. I even had the pleasure to have sideline passes for the ou games while I was also playing high school football. Yeah that rocked. I was actually going to be scouted for OU but got my knee blown out the game before Scott Hill came to watch me play. The upside to that was that he sent me a knee brace so I could finish my HS season, but college ball was over for me before it started. I then went to school at OSU because I had a relative there and wished I hadn't. So what did I see? At OU games and scores were announced about OSU vs anyone else OU fans all rooted for OSU. But at OSU, the OSU fans always, without question, rooted against OU. And to me that was petty and low class. It shamed me to attend games for that reason. I did have the honor to rub shoulders with some greats though. Billy Simms, the Boz, JC Watts, Dr Death, the Selmons, and of course Barry Switzer to name a random sample. It was the time of my life. I just wish I could have earned a ring there, but it wasn't to be. There IS such a thing as Sooner magic, and I missed my shot at it. Boz, I did enjoy watching you play. Back in the day you guys gave me reason to be. Boomer!

    1. Sorry, I didn't witness Bakers gesture and didn't comment on it in my post. It's sad if that got captured and aired. Emotions happen and mistakes are made, especially with animated players. Like the Boz was, Baker is 1,000% committed to the game and victory. I'm guessing he shot someone the bird. It's unfortunate whatever it was was aired, but emotions occasionally overflow. I'll say let the person who's emotions have NEVER overflowed cast the first stone. And all the hypocrites can suck eggs.

  38. Well said Boz. Baker just try to be careful, but it was so funny. Everyone does this in some way during games.

  39. Great article Boz..always proud of our team! Kansas should have benched those players and maybe then this would be a moot point!

  40. No kidding!! If you’re embarrassed will you be embarrassed if Baker wins the Heisman? Will you be embarrassed I he takes the team to the national championship and wins???

    1. I’m embarrassed that he has any connection to the great state of Oklahoma but that goes for the corrupt ou athletic program also. Both are a huge black eye for the state.

  41. He already got tackled by a fat cop for running from him for being drunk, and now he is grabbing his balls and telling Kansas fuck you and suck this so the kids that look up to him can see. This kid who hasn’t grown up yet just has figured out that he is a lose cannon and no one will want him. If you want your kid to imitate this child on the field then don’t get mad when he gets kicked of the team or off the field. Because there is nothing to be embarrassed about.
