Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Some Georgia Football Memes To Get You Started

Winter Pun-derland

I love the new Christmas light show that awards the best display. The contestants put so much work and investment into their displays.  It's crazy.  But these two people win my first ever THE BOZ BEST CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AWARD. 

This is some impressive driving.

Being a lake dog, I've seen some impressive things on a boat but this guy is the king. When he gets out of the pound, I want my human to take some lessons from this guy.

This guy is standing up for your rights.

When we think of people that have stood up in the face of opposition and stood for our rights, we often think of great men like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln, and great women like Harriet Tubman, Emily Pankhurst, and Susan B. Anthony. 
Soon we might add Chad to this list.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

PSA: Appropriate behavior between men and women.

With the latest news coming out of Norman, I've read a lot of opinions about what happened.  But the culture that surrounds our college football programs isn't the only problem area.  The problem is much more nation wide and world wide.  It's local and it's in our offices and work places. One of my Facebook friends shared a post, I don't think it was her original idea but it could have been, and I wanted to share it with you today to maybe pass around your household, workplace, locker room, or anywhere else you think it may be impact full.

I am sharing I think people are still confused....so I'm here to help! :D
FLIRTING: "Good morning, Pamela. You look nice today."
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: "Good morning, Pamela. Your shirt looks nice and tight today." *wiggles eyebrows*
COURTING: "So, what are you up to this weekend? Would you like to grab some dinner with me? I know a great Thai restaurant downtown."
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: "So, what are you up to this weekend? Wanna see my d*ck?"
HELPFUL PERSON: "Oh, sorry...but look, you have a piece of food on your shirt."
SEXUAL ASSAULT: "Oh, look....dessert." *honka honka*
FRIENDS HAVING A SEX CONVO: "You know what turns me on? When a guy kisses my neck! Oh my gosh!"
SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN A BUSINESS MEETING: "You know what turns me on? Debbie over in accounting....I'd like to count HER assets if you know what I'm sayinnnnnn."
NORMAL SEX: *someone letting someone else touch their private areas*
SEXUAL ASSAULT: *someone touching someone else's private areas without direct consent*
PROPER: *asking out a person around your same age*
IMPROPER: *asking out a person in middle school if you're in your 30s EVEN IF they're better at that age for starting a family early*
PROPER: *hug*
IMPROPER: *hug and hand up the back side of her skirt*
SEX: *two consenting adults*
RAPE: *one consenting adult and another person*
<<BONUS ROUND DESCRIPTION>> Someone having an affair with another consenting adult IS NOT THE SAME as a someone sexually assaulting dozens of people. Not. Not the same. At all. One is infidelity...the other is ASSAULT.
<<BONUS #2>>
RAPE: having sex without consent with someone you don't know
RAPE: having sex without consent with someone you know
RAPE: having sex without consent even if you've had sex before
RAPE: having sex without consent even if they were wearing something that was too ____________ (fill in the blank)
RAPE: having sex without consent even if you're married
RAPE: having sex without consentI think people are still confused....so I'm here to help! :D

Monday, December 4, 2017

What does my voice sound like?

When people ask me to "speak" I usually just ignore them and play dead.  But if you wanted to know what my voice sounds like, watch this video.  I think my voice is angelical, but the kid in the vest nails it.

New report on Silverdome suggest super material used in construction.

You might have missed it over the weekend, but the planned implosion of the Pontiac Silverdome didn't exactly go as planned.  Several reports have came out that suggest a wiring failure was the cause, but a new report just surfaced and it's far more believable. 
Engineers that have studied the situation are now releasing a report that suggest the company that built the structure used a nearly indestructible material when building it.
For a generation of cell phone users, it's not too far fetched of a theory, but it's believed that the material is actually a Nokia 3310.